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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just finished watching season 4 of Prison Break. Pretty cool show, like you dont have to watch the first 3 seasons to know whats going on, all though it would help. It was all pretty captivating and stuff until one episode when 'Scylla', a device of sorts that was meant to contain vital information, turned out to be nothing more than a USB of designs for a Solar cell.

Well, at least it can't get any stupider than Lost who's in season 5 yet no one has gotten off the island yet.

I've been listening to Owl city a lot lately, and looking up their lyrics. Apparently the total randomness of the words helps me expand my vocabulary. For example, "all those oceanic vistas are so defined", "this is a world of dreams and reveries" and "scenic sublime". Such detailed description of the noun preceding it can only be found in their songs, not anywhere else, not even Mr Rajesh's essays.

I have been getting a lot of emails these days, one thirds from The Midway State who apparently seems to be on the verge of bankruptcy. Everyday I get a email informing me of a 50% discount off all their mechanise. They are Midway to getting to The bankrupt State.

I read an interview on the web with Owl City's member Adam, the only member at that. It was more of a faq, and one of it was how did he pick the cities featured in his songs. For example in Fuzzy Blue Lights, there's a phrase "If i could look across the country, from California to New Jersey" and another " If i could open my window, and see from Tampa Bay to Juneau.."
I checked out a world map, while i was revising for geography. Tampa Bay's located southeast in the US, and Juneau's located in Alaska.

Nothing amusing in this post.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I stumbled onto this MRT plan scheduled 5 years from now. Speechless lol.

Suddenly dreams i had of singapore becoming an ultra modern city with things zooming here and there seems to be taking shape.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Real Origin of Swine Flu

So I was lying, Swine flu isn't from Somalian Wine.
After doing some research, I found out the real origin of Swine Flu. Despite what you guys think of it coming from Mexico or United States, Swine Flu came from China. It was present in China for a very long time, and there have been historical recordings of people infected with swine flu.
Below is a picture of a person with Swine Flu.

[scroll down]

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu

A comprehensive online guide on what Swine Flu is and how you could protect yourself from it.

What is Swine Flu?

Swine Flu, also known as S Wine flu, is a virus found in Somalia-made wine. Yes, as you might have guessed, this is affected and most probably caused by the recent piracy raids along the coast of Somalia by Somali pirates. Researchers and scientists and fortune tellers suspect that Somali pirates might have raided an African vessel by mistake at night thinking that there was no one there, and only on the boat did they realise that they were surrounded by Africans. HIV/Aids must have been contracted right there and then, and an infected pirate must have brought the virus with him along to a school visit to a wine farm.

Meanwhile, a Lazytown video 'You Are A Pirate'

The Somalia method of winemaking would involving the gathering of grapes first. If grapes are scarce, they wold use GReen APES as a substitute. Tastes the same to them. Next they would step on it, and then spit on it for good fortune. After all the juices have been squeezed out, they would collect random floating coke glass bottles which floated there all the way from China or Sngapore, and fill it up with Juice. This is Somali Wine.

It enhances all types of food. Simply because anything tastes divine after drinking Somalian wine.Anyway, S Wine Flu is present only in Somalia-made wines corked in years 1999-2009.

How do i prevent myself from getting swine flu?

You don't prevent yourself from getting S Wine flu, you prevent yourself from preventing yourself from preventing yourself from getting S Wine flu (which essentially is the same thing).
1.Drink Ribena. It's a wonderful substitute for wine.
2.Destroy all the objects in your houseold capable or storing liquid.
3.Pay Lorenzo $10
4.Play WordChallege instead.
5.Drink water. It's another substitute.
6.Eat some Caesium, so you will never ever consume anything ever again.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bowling tips

#1 Always use a bowling ball that is spherical.
#2 Check again for tip #1, you might miss it the first time.
#3 Insert your 3rd and 4th finger, then your thumb.
#4 Check if there are any bowlers on your adjacent lanes going to bowl
#5 Remove your bowling ball if there are bowlers adjacent to you.
#6 If there are no bowlers adjacent to you now, repeat steps #1-#3.
#7 When standing on the lane, relax.
#8 When standing on the lane, concentrate on your task.
#9 Before swinging the ball, think first, on how you would swing the ball.
#10 Use some physics equations of the oscillations of a pendulum, and let it confuse you for a brief second.
#11 Snap out if you happen to be daydreaming about physics equations, and focus.
#12 If you need to pee, do so after you bowl.
#13 Give Lorenzo $10.
#14 Before going, turn around and smile at the people waiting for you to bowl.
#15 If by any chance you turned around and lost your focus, go through tips #1-#13.
#16 When you think you can do it, think again.
#17 When you think you can't do it, don't think, and just bowl.

Above are some free tips from Pro Bowler Lorenzo Evangelista. Subscribe for more key bowling tips.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Was talking to sean when i noticed his DP, taken during the duathlon.

Apparently his cycling must be really bad because he got derailed, or he's being an integrity-less person and taking a shortcut.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Le Riviera. A noob would think that means revive in french but it's actually the name of a stretch of beaches along the mediterranean. Speaking of a noob, anoop is a noob. Who is he? Well he's the only indian on American idol. Not being racist, but I'm convinced that the AI producers probably bribed the judges to give him really good comments every week, to show the 'multi-ethnicity' of American idol.

It's been a long time since i last blogged. Why? I was busy catching up on my revision and homework. Now in year 2, there seems to be a much heavier workload then last year. Being totally random now, I still can't believe that we have to pay for matrix 2. For non TJCians, matrix2 is an online portal where teachers upload homework and assignments and where students can download it. Apparently matrix was such a failure and that's why there's a '2'.

Imagine this:

Morpheus:take this blue pill, and you'll be immersed in the world of matrix. Take this red pill, and you'll continue on your normal life in your so-called world. (Or you can take this malaria pill if you are going to Outward Bound Malaysia Lumut).

Neo: I'll take this blue...

Morpheus: Wait, sorry.
(replaces with blue pill with Blue pill II)
Morpheus: Here you go.

Neo: Woah, what did you just do? Swap the pill?

Morpheus: Apparently the Matrix has some problems where TJC students can't seem to upload their homework. Anyway, i'll take you to Matrix 2 where it seems bug free, but you'll need to install loads of programs and add-ons and where you can only use the fox on fire.

Neo: Whew, thank god. (takes and comsumes blue pill II)

Morpheus: Now pay me $17.50. You'll have to pay in cash since you aren't a Singaporean and you don't have an Edusave account.


Anyway, my sister recently lost her phone. Last Wednesday i believe. Sad, now she has to use the old Samsung phone that i was stuck with 2 years for after some poor and unfortunate being stole my phone in Chungcheng. Anyway, something i notice about my sister, is that she takes very long to pick her clothes. Like a certain pair of shirt can only go with a certain few pairs of jeans.

Unlike me, I don't see how they need to be so delicately chosen and paired. That's why, when talking about different combinations of clothings, I have so much more. Using factorials and what else,

number of choices of outfits i have=(number of shirts)x(number of pants)

Whereas number of choices of outfits my sister has= ((number of tops)!)/(3!)

Don't ask me why, I'm no Ivan Lim or all the other replacement maths b teachers that keep randomly appearing on Thursdays. Seems like on Thursdays the randomness can be explained by (132 P 131). {excludes ivan lim}.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

An Israeli doctor said
'Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in 6 weeks.'

A German doctor said
'That is nothing; we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in 4 weeks."

A Russian doctor said....
"In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in 2 weeks."

The Texas doctor, not to be outdone, said
'You guys are way behind. Some time ago, we took a man with no brains out of Texas , put him in the White House for eight years, and now half the WORLD is looking for work.'

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm not blogging anymore because there's simply too much work.

Too much? I measure it by the duration given to us to complete and the length of the project, and the refreshment rate of projects. Like every time one finishes one comes.

I'm starting to think sailing wastes my weekends.
But what's more stressing than homework?

Angel and mortal. Argh. My mortal is disgruntled and is demanding for more. Cant say that its her fault. Pressure. Pressure. (force/area)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I sail on weekends at SAFYC (changi). SAFYC stands for Singapore Armed Forces Yatch Club. And it's kinda located next to a navy camp. In SAFYC itself, there's this big white shed in some corner somewhere, and i went inside and i found (scroll down)
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Some big white machine that can supposedly fly since it has wings and propellers. Never seen anything like that before. Cool. Wonder if it actually works. I might hijack it one day.