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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

LA night.

Zomg tomorrow 730 we have to stay back in school for LA night. (730PM, i stand corrected). So, using a little manipulation i learnt in maths,

Time ending=when LA night ends...1

Night ends=Next Day...2

Sub 2 into 1,

Time ending=NEXT DAY! 12.01am.

Wah so cool. then can sleep in school.
Oh, did you check out this website WHICH I RANDOMLY FOUND ON THE INTERNET? It's about global warming. I think the people who did it are really cool. Saving the earth is somethign cool after all, isn't it?

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Let me type it out.

"Unfortunately, none of you seemed up to the task. The only entry was not very "propaganda-ish". :P So unfortunately, we can't declare a winner for this round."
have you guys seen this? Zomg. WTf. Wtfh. Wtbfh. Wtfbfh. Wtbffuh. (ask me for what they stand for thru msn if you're curious.) I think mrs Goh just can't be bothered to waste another book voucher on me. Lol, after i won the first competition and got a book 'Autobiography Of A Geisha'. I didn't even readthat. Only jiamin and Gracia(sounds like 'geisha') read it. Not my kind of book lol. If you want to read it, coz i remembered twenty of u asking me to lend it to you, u can ask me for it. I'll lend it to you the most or 3 weeks. (Like Library, but my book is ab. clean) I've included my poster below. Don't flame me for it lol.

lotsofbabies, normal,  Image Hosting

Feel the power of the chinese words (translated into english) : "One is not enough; at least have two"

Oh, i forgot. this competition basically involves us designing Propaganda posters like those chinese communists designed. but the topic is to prome more abies in singapore.

you know you love me

Lorenzo. Lol.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What happened in the last 2 weeks...

During the weekends of the previous week, I did This. (not the word 'this' but whats below'

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I owned my opponents and formed my name lol. But my name's kinda long so i excluded the 'o'. You know, you could pay me 10 cents if you want me to make such a picture for you. Yup, its a new service i'm providing.

And then it was the IDE week. The only thing i really liked about it was the Playfair cipher. Using the key 'LorenzoRocks', try cracking this:


Remember that I put 'x' instead of spaces between each word and double letter.
People who don't know how to playfair cipher works can ask me

Happy birthday felicia. Lol.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Both don't go well with cakes,
But a happy birthday to you.


Today we had a RSA breaking session.

Basically we were given two Adobe documents. The first one was a ciphered text, and we had to decipher it and use the derived answer as a password to open the second document.

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Today Gabriel told me that he was jealous of me that i could decipher it but he couldn't. Aww. Well, I wanna become a cryptographer one day. come up with really hard codes, while some poor DEcrptographers have to decrypt it. Thats nice.

Oh, and that last image obviously meant thsat i cracked the code.
Anyway, Mr Lim was so nice and taught us how the 'check digit' of any NRIC is derived. Now I can create unlimited Asiasoft accounts and unlimited Library accounts. (for the internet station coz u get 30 minutes free for each new account)

Monday, August 25, 2008

I've updated my video stream, so technically i've updated my blog.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Today's sailing was horrible. There was no wind. And i capsized into a floating pile of garbage. and i think the under of my right hand is "rashing".-act of gettign rashes.

Oh, and I would be glad if any of you would introduce a mp4 player that actually works on vista other han quicktime.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


My father said that it was surprising that Jamaicans could run so fast seeing that they were once slaves to the colonial powers. I guess that they must have been like training up everyday running away from their masters. Like today they got caught cause they didn't run fast enough. So tomorrow they'll run faster to escape. Lol. And Usain bolt was like WAYYY ahead. And he opened his hands like a chicken even b4 he reached the ending point. Thats damn pro. And damn fast. And damn Cool. And damn nice. And damn Jamaican.

Friday, August 15, 2008

It all started with this fish that Angelina drew.
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"Cutest thing ever!"-Anon
"I'll call that fish Dory!"-Another Anon

Then, I tried making it into...
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"Many!"-Ms Tan Chork Meng
"Like Woah"-Angelina


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(Click on it for full sized image)

"Lorenzo has out done himself!" -New York Times
"Let x be the number of the number of fishes because there's too many!"-Mr Lau.
"Lorenzo happy birthday"-Some guy wishing me happy birthday last year.(No link though)
"We're gonna use this for our future default wallpapers"-Bill Gates
"We're gonna use this for our future default wallpapers"-Steve Jobs

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bloody Unfair Judge.

For those of you who still don't know why i *porned* calligraphy today, and why i wasnt online till like 1130, well it's because i had to go to toapayoh indoor stadium or my wushu competition.

I was in this group of 15 contestants. 3 were national trained. 1 of the judges were their coach. & i think he saw me as a threat.

My scores were 8.25,8.40,8.15,8.20, AND [b]7.65[/b]. I must say 7.65 is f**king far from the other scores. thanks to that score, I got BRONZE. wth la. If i got gold then i could go to the TJC wushu and show off and ask them to include in my portfolio. Arh.

Anyway, now i can only do like 7 pull ups. Now i realise how quickly my muscles *soften* when i don't trained. Haven't done pull ups for 2 weeks. Some 30%decrease. Sad.

The reason why i'm have the energy to post this because I'm listening to HSM3's 'Now or Never'. gotta thank casper for sending me that song. Really upbeat and it triples the amount of adrenaline i have.

Oh, and my number tag for the wushu competition is 555. I know its damn cool. I'm selling it for 5 bucks. First time i get such a nice number. Last year i got 53x. Just kidding.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hi. First day in this week that I'm actually free. You know what I've said about being able to upload songs to imeem from school like really fast? Like 1 song per 10 seconds? Well, today I tried uploading 3 music videos (bout 100mb in total) and it took me only 5 minutes. Thats DAMN fast. It's really funny that we have problems accessing theMatrix which is like more or less just html and flash, when i upload like 3 MVs to imeem every day without problem.

Any of you watch Gossip Girl? Well I don't. I don't even know why i'm saying this.

PS: Please rememer to hand in Maths Homework.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Some random fruit for thought:

On the first day fot he olympics, there was this volleyball match. Brazil 'gainst somebody. What interested me was that there were 2 players called 'Gracia' and 'Sheila' lol. Ya but if you watched it, you would have seen 'Gracia' being sent out like just a short while after the game started caused sh jumped at one point and landed on her team mate and she twisted her ankle. Sad.

Anyway theres this Italian football player called Lorenzo. Ok, I don't know why i brought that up.

Oh, and casper told me that theres this girl called Hannah Miley in one of the sports i dont remember. Hmm, some croos breed between Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus. Someone should prolly tell her that Miley Cyrus is going to change her name to 'Destiny Hope Cyrus' too. Thats a stupid name btw Miley.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hmm. It's about 7 now. at round 530 earlier, it was raining seriously heavily where i live at. (east coast park) I was kinda hoping winds would blow the rain to marina bay. I always like to see our ovely ministers geeting drenched and all the people there panicking. Nice way to celebrate National Day. Sadly, the winds all not that great.
I'm struggling with FishFiles. Rather the part of the FishFiles where the work has to be distributed, case it seems that Gracia is doing most of the work and Dodo seems to choose the best of times not to come online.

Friday, August 8, 2008

This is a video of how the Olympic flame was lit in 1992 Barcelona, Spain. Bloody cool.

If it was me i would have killed one of the audience.

This next one is optional, you might want to fastforward till 4:50 though. (Seoul 1988 flame lighting) Notice how the pigeons originally resting in the empty cauldron get burnt alive when the thing was lighted.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

3rd World Farmer

Today Keith came up ti me and sad that he got 50k for 3rd world farming an said that he won me. So i decided to play the game and I got 500k + before the national back crashed and i got left with 30k. I don't have prove of the 500k+ but i have this screenshot of this 160k one. I take screenshots every 10 turns.

Oh, and i have a few tips.
1.Let's say 'Elephant poachers kiled all your elephants" just happened.
What you should do is that for the next turn FILL YOUR BARNWITH ELEPHANTS. because its 99% sure that they wont come back for ur elephats for another 10 turns.
2.Feel your barn with elephants. Buy barns, not sheds. dnt bother growing chicken. they're too cheap. elephants gve you more profit. even if u lose them, the amount they earned for you is easily 20 times the amount.
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Monday, August 4, 2008

Lorenasper Sheilean.
Pronounced as (Lore-an-nes-per | She-Leon). I know it's damn cool. Lol.
Anyway, my bowling team has finally been created. Me casper sean and sheila. So no more vacancies for the rest of you indesicive people. Just kidding. Anyway, Hi. Why don't you watch the music video of 'Break the Ice' in my video playlist above? I really love it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Oh, and recently I've been uploading gazillions of music videos onto Imeem in school cause somehow it's really really fast. At home i take 5 minutes to upload 1 song. in school, i take 10 seconds to upload one. And so uploading music videos is so much faster too. That's why i replaced my music playlist with my music video playlist.

Enjoy. watch them all. I think 'Break the ice' is pretty cool.
Anyone who wants to join my team for the bowling competition is welcomed. 30 august, 12 bucks.

So far, I have Casper's support.

I need 2 more people. 12bucks.30 august.Tampines Safra (very big snd orange, hard ot miss) air-con air-con bowling alley.I'll treat u to a pool game there if we win. I'll show you how good i am at pool too.

It's quite easy to win prizes actually. Valerie told me that there would be 'random prizes' and u would even get a door gift!

Random prize:
It's like in the middle of a game she'll just shout like 'next person who hits 1 pin and then spare it will get a free 10 dollar starbucks voucher/a kiss from Lorenzo" just kidding.

So, do tag my tagboard should u feel like joining thy Campaign.