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Monday, December 15, 2008

Back from my one week hol' in Sydney. Thought it was gonna be pretty hot, since it was summer there and such, but it turned out to be pretty cold, and dry. Those who saw me the previous week at mass dance practice would know that i was rather tanned, because of the one whole week of sailing the week before that before. Well, the thing is that Sydney's dry air is causing my skin to peel off. Girls would find it sick, so i'd suggest continuing to the next paragraph.

Next paragraph! Ha.Went many places around Sydney. The thing about sydney is that its pretty similar to singapore in its infrastructures, like the way which direction of the roads are on which sides, to the bus lanes, to the same colour scheme of the road signs, to a place called cockle bay with bars and shops around it that is almost clarke quay's identical twin. Well, the thing about singapore is that its trying to follow Sydney; something that i learnt from A family friend's family. That was just referring to the family of a family friend.

Some singapore leaders decided one day that 'hey! Sydney rocks; their concept of whatever it is rocks, let's follow them." But compared to Sydney's cockle bay, Singapore's Singapore river is more like a degenerated cesspool.

Sydney has a population equal or more than Singapore's. Many people thing that that would be possible because Sydney's like our CBD area. However, that is only Sydney 'city'. Sydney spans quite big actually. It has about 7 beaches, from 1km long to some 20km long. That should give you a perspective on how big it is and how far t stretches along the coast. Australia's population is about 20mill, which makes Sydney like a quarter of it's pop. Pretty interesting.

When i was primary 5 i went to gold coast. I thought surfing was pretty cool and my parents bought a secondhand longboard for bout 400bucks. Longboard's pretty good for beginner surfers, it's stable, floats well, and well, it's long. However on the airtrip back, Singapore airlines broke it into half. Some chinese lady who couldn't speak english well said they were not to blame as my surfboard was well, long. But anyway i managed to get Singapore airlines to pay for the board. And lets just say that i made a profit.

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Well, this time in sydney, i bought a shortboard.A longboard is about 3.5m, a little taller than classroom doors, while a shortboard is as tall as Haiquan. I say that because he is a lil' taller than me. I chose this instead of another longboard because surfing on a longboard was pretty much like standing on the deck of Titanic, while shortboard surfing is what everyone else did, and it had a stability compared to a (one and a half wheeled)-cycle. I chose a shortboard made of Highlycondensed styrofoam or something not-so-spongy and porous; as compared to a one made of some material which has a pretty cool and long name that was like a floating plastic.
Reason that it was well, 50 bucks cheaper, and i saw on a show called 'Bondi Rescue' that some people got 1 cm 'dents' in their skulls from colliding with those boards.
I'll try snapping a picture of my board in time to come..

Bondi Beach.
Probably the best beach in the world. If it isn't, at least its recognised as a world-class beach for surfing.(not for snorkelling though, no fishes there.)
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Used this picture i found on yahoo instead of a 3.82mb picture i took myself because it didn't seem as nice.(and it exceeded the upload size limit on

Bondi Rescue.
Bondi rescue is a really cool TV series in australia that i lovd watching on the plane instead of watching movies.(I took Qantas, and yea, it sucked that we didn't get the A380 from singapore airlines.)
According to the introductry opening of Bondi rescue, on a busy weekend, 40,000 people visit the beach each day, with over 25,000 rescues in a year by Bondi's lifeguards. Highest numbers of rescues in a day was like 253. Bondi beach spans for about 1 kilometre, and it's sorta like a 'cove', because it's like not directly open to the sea. It is, but from an aerial picture below,
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You can see what i mean. Below's a quick preview of an episode of Bondi Rescue.

Watch it please, for all that everything woul ever stand for.

Anyway, in one of my earlier paragraphs, i mentioned a family friend's family. Well, there's Eddy(Dad), Laura(Mom), Jolin,and Caleb.

They were singaporeans who migrated to sydney like years ago. Even though the adults still seem to be ever the same, Jolin and Caleb have a bloody nice Australian accent.I've been trying to talk to Jolin and like getting her to say common phrases like 'Hi, my name is Lorenzo', in her accent. (Caleb's studying for some exam).

The thing is that they're coming to singapore like a week from now during christmas.

I'm gonna end this post because i'm watching 'COPS'. Which is funnier than i expected. COPS is a compilation of clips taken by a filmer who goes around with Policemen who arrest people and such. What's funny is the stupid and ludicrous excuses that the people provide. Like in one episode where Police were chasing two african-americans on a car chase because they were supposedly carrying drugs or going to. then like at a junction, the car crashed into a macdonalds and one guy had like his hand stuck in the apple pie dispenser, while the other guy had ran away. Poice found him(with no drugs on), a few blocks away hidin below a car. and he was like 'I ain't got no drugs'
P(olice):"what's ur business here, u live here? why are you under acar"
G(uy):I was running man. my friend was going to pick me up and send me home.
P:why were you running
G: I saw this flying man (??!?!) and i panicKed and i ran man. u gotta believe me.
P:why were you running?

anyway, i guess the police kinda humiliated him in front of the camera because he was asked to get on the floor, lie down, and like crawl facedown to them about 2 metres away, wriggling like a earthworm: butt up, push forward, butt up,...


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