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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Exams are officially over. Now I have completely nothing to do for the next 3 months.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Real funny Survivor parody.

Found this video while Searching my name on youtube..

"Lorenzo The Flying Horseman!"

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Obama who thinks that there are 57 states...

Anyway, America only has 50 states, thats why you see one guy pasting mroe stars in their flag at one part lol.

Tina Fey

Tina Fey as a news reporter...

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin...

I've been dozing off lately. The sun shines really brightly and it's as hot as the hottest place in Singapore which is really hot. I close my windows and curtains and a gloomy shade of darkness and blue drapes my room. Why blue? Because my curtains are blue. Why curtains? Because that's what everyone uses. But using what everyone uses does not mean that one's 'self' is affected. It is the essence of our being. Our idetity is what that's affected. But in this case, it's my morale actually. I'm falling asleep just after 5 minutes i woke up. I've decided to use the packet of Instant energy boost Ms yee had supplied every of her student with, except for Sean and Nicholas due to their un-punctulity during physics which was when she decided to pop in as handout her "Pocketful of Sunshine". That's a song by the way, for those of you who didn't realise that. It's by Natasha Bedingfield. NB. Oh, and i'm really really tired. Must be the lack of oxygen in that air-conditioned room we had chinese paper in. I thought that the huge amount of carbon dioxide was going to make the room hotter though. Hmm, global warming not happening when man wants it too.

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Oh, saw Kian Chang's pm.
Anyway, i can safely say that his coffee wasn't made in China. It was made in Singapore! By hinmself! Or some guy at the HawkerCentre! But the Coffee Powder probably was made in China though.

Honinbou Shuusaku.
(japanese for Lorenzo)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Episode 1 - Hikaru no Go (Watch it ,flunk promos.)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Stupid but funny video. You don't really have to know much about weiqi/Go to understand this video. I'll explain after the exams about this Anime, "Hikaru no Go"...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Melamine...(Quite a cool word actually)

You heard recently about the Melamine being present in milk and stuff, so it's like Fake milk in a way. Where'd you get fake milk from? (Fake breasts) jk,

Anyway if you didn't know, Melamine is the toxic substance used to make Porcelain plates. Instead of the chinese government like recalling all of these melaminated milk, i suggest that:

1.Recall all the milk, spoilt or not.
2.Put them in a plate mould
3.Freeze it.
4.Obtain (x) porcelain plates
5.1.Sell them to the public.
5.2.Give them for free to families whose babies died from the Melaminated milk.

That's brilliant, i thought. Meanwhile, if you hate drinking milk in the morning, tell your parents there's melamine in it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

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I can be pretty idiotic sometimes.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A long time ago...

Yup, made this with Macromedia Flash last year.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Lol, I read this post in Elaine's blog...

Why did the chicken cross the road?

We have installed crossing lights at all traffic junctions.
All chickens should be able to cross safely to the other side.

Gantry points have been set up. All chickens wanting to cross the road
are advised to top up their cash cards first.

We have to be fair to all chickens. Some want to cross over the road,

some do not. ........ Zzzzzz .......zzzzzz .....Now what were we talking
about? Ah yes, chickens. We will form a Royal Commission to decide
whether it is right for them to cross the road.

Now even the non-bumi chickens want to cross the road?

How can they disrespect and disregard the bumi chickens?
We must be allowed to cross over first. It is our right!

We have enough chickens waiting to cross over in September.

All foreign chickens are welcome in Malaysia but they must not cross
over the road within 50km of the border.

Wong Kan Seng:
I am sorry that the chicken was allowed to cross the road. It was an

HONEST MISTAKE. Lets move on.

The chicken crossed the road because it was time for a CHANGE!
The chicken wanted CHANGE!


My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need
to engage in cooperation & dialogue with all the chickens on the other
side of the road.

When I was First Lady, I personally helped that little chicken to cross

the road. This experience makes me uniquely qualified to ensure -- right
from Day One! -- that every chicken in this country gets the chance it
deserves to cross the road. But then, this really isn't about me.......

We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to
know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken is
either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here.

Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads together, in peace.

I have just released eChicken2007, which will not only cross roads, but
will lay eggs, file your important documents, & balance your check book.

Internet Explorer is an integral part of the Chicken. This new platform
is much more stable & will never cra...#@&&^(C%

.......... reboot.


I did not cross the road with THAT chicken.
What is your definition of chicken?

I invented the chicken!

What's here? The Portrait of a blinking idiot
Presenting me a schedule! I will read it.
How much unlike Art thou to Portia!
How much unlike my hopes and deservings.
'Who chooseth me, shall have much as he deserves.'
Did I deserve no more than a fool's head?
Is that my prize? Are my deserts no better?

[Quietly]But who cares? That Bassanio
Hadst agreed to pay me 500 ducats for
Revealing thy choice.

Next Scene : in a secret alley

Sola sola!

Sola STFU-la
Get on with it

Thou shalt not tell you my choice,
But instead hint:
I chose what none would have chosen,
But yet what had befalled me was certainly tragic.
I uncovered a portrait of a blinking fool,
instead of a Portrait of Portia.



...'Tween man and man. But thou, thou meagre lead
Which rather threaten'st than dost promise aught,
Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence:

And here choose I. I choose the lead casket.

Suddenly recalling Arragon's words

[Aside...] Darn. "I chose what none would have chosen"
Certainly he was ref'ring to the leaden casket
It couldn't have been the silver,
for that would be second to the gold.
Oh god, I'm doomed to see the blinking fool.

Bassanio opens the leaden casket

What I find here?
The portrait of a blinking idiot
How much unlike art thou to Portia.
So ugly, so foolish.

Takes a glance back and forth at Portia

Halt! This is no blinking fool!
This is Portia! My demi-god.

Everything you have read is mostly fake.
written mostly by Lorenzo.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Can someone take a screenshot of a "Blue screen 'of death' " and post somewhere? I want to see if its possible to do that.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Here's the link about GKA. So far shaojie is going to join, (Jeremiah backed out), Ryan from chungcheng is also planning to join. Tell me if you plan on joining.
I've just awoken to the undying and persistent truth that it is DAMN HARD to be the 9th caller. I'm talking about the 91.3 competition. It's as hard as for Michael Phelps to get bronze. (Coz he has to not finish till 2 people finished). But just when i was about to give up, there was another of this small competitions where the 9th caller would get BotakJones voucher. And I got it. Lol. Surprise.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

You know, recently I realised that there are quite a few songs about summertime. There's one from Kid Rock, another from New Kids On The Block, and one from Click 5. It's kind of confusing actually.

Meanwhile, here's a riddle:

What word is represented by
Answer in my tagboard.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Zomg did you see the new maths revision questions?
I just wanna highlight one question...
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Zomg notice the underlined last sentence..."(Assume that the guinea pig is of negligible height.)"

Look at that last sentence. It's so discriminating against animals. I would have sued them had i loved guinea pigs. (I dont really like them, they're kinda fat). No matter what subject, biology or maths, we should never discriminated against (ms tan says always must have an 'against' behind the word discriminate) animals. no matter how pigly or guinean they are. (or whether they conme from papua new guinea.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I was just being stupid.

My mp3 has the ability to return to its original position after it has been tilted slightly. *refer to ur physics notes on stability*
What is the ability of my Samsung mp3 player (should it spoil)?

*answer in my tagboard.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

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I blocked everyone for fun lol. Except sean coz he's okay with my m-sized polo tee.
Actually coz he sddenly appeared online when i took the screenshot.

Monday, September 1, 2008

For thse of you who have came to my house before, you'd know about my little old SONY television that i have in my room. Yup, compared to the new Panasonics in the living room. Anyway u'd know that my small and old televsion has its own 'antanars' [however u spell it] and that i can received TV signals from all over. So last night i tuned in and guess what. Malaysia's channel 7 screens GOSSIP GIRL EVERY NIGHT. and they'll be screeninng Gossip girl season 2 they say in 2 weeks. Woah, even cooler than Channel 5. They screen '90210' and 'one tree hill' {the one with Kate Voegele the singer starring in it and singing sometimes}.

Damn cool. Coz now with all of ur plugged in TV cables, you can't really get a whole range of TV stations, only those in singapore.
This is what my display names for both my msn accounts are now...

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for the benefit of those who msn are screwed up and still see the old 'Lorenzo' or 'Lowy' thing. Sometimes you have to open a conversation with me before the updat my display name.
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Notice the message, 'you survived 381.991 seconds'
Mind you avril, that's like more than 6 minutes. I ended it because i felt really bored. I still don't see how you could have gotten less than 1 minute though.

For the rest, check it out at:
Today after school I went to get a haircut. The first thing the barber said was 'you tried to cut ur own hair huh.' Somehow to him the uneven-ness of my hair was VERY obvious. So anyway i'll start talking bout LA night i guess.

I agreed with ms tan about the 'Death' documentary being damn morbid and sad. I'd wish the interviewed me and how i felt about death though, then i could have recited Gandalf's reply to little pippin (the shorty) in Lord Of The Rings:Return Of The King. I don't know why such speeches don't get written down in books. Well, since crappy 'Quality of mercy ' speeches by Shakespeare gets impounded in Oxford books, I don't see why speeches of White haired people don't get 'booked down'. I guess thats another type of discrimination that's ever so present in our mordern society.

Saturday sucked. There was this bowling competition. We played 3 games. My first two sucked actually. I got 80 and 94. that sucked. my third was 155. Well, that was oh-kay. Somehow my 3 cores got me in a 10dollar bet which valerie lost. Lol.

Here's the synopsis of the bet:

The average of my first 2 scores were 87, derived from (80+94)/2. Can't argue with that. Then i told valerie (for she was the only one beside me and wondering why i was so sad.) Wait. Let me rephrase this.

In sooth I know not why i am so sad. ok, nvm.

So i told her about my pathertic first and 2nd match. and then i told her my 3rd score. Then she said but overall not bad wad. coz my average is (87+155)/2. AND I SAID IT WAS WRONG WHICH OBVIOUSLY IS. I told her that it should be (87+87+155)/3. She said that both weren't different. And she challenged me to a 10 dollar stake. Lol. So i worked it out on some NeboMembership application form which i took from the counter (that counter guy even was happy to see that i was going to register for the membership lol.), and valerie took out her graphic calculator. Lol, and i won and she gave me 10 dollars.

Why i was correct...

Take the example of the set of numbers :{1,2,3}

The total average is 2,obviously. The average of the first 2 numbers is 1.5
If you take (1.5+3)/2 you get some 2.25. Whereas if you take (1.5+1.5+3)/3, you'd still get 2. Coz if you do wha valerie did then the 'weightage' of the first 2 numbers would be decreased. Lol. Wonder if she failed maths in TA1.

Instead of boasting on my money-torial conquests, let me talk about sailing. Yesterday we went out to sea even though there was no wind. Well, there was wind when we were setting up to sea, but when we were coming back the wind 'Evanesced'.
*i like boasting my vocabulary*
So then i invented anew way of no-wind sailing. I went to the front of my boat, and laid there, my head facign forward, my legs wrapped around my mast. Then i started 'breathstroking' [think i spelled it wrongly], with only my hands. Moves quite fast actually, only tat certain areas of the sea were filled with molusks and crap and crap and occasional garbages and crap and crap and My bottle! Oh, didnt notice it drop into the sea. o.oI should tie it to my kicker strap next time.

Today sucked. After i went home Alexa sent me a song. Or at least it was a virus using her computer. When i opened th song it began renaming all my .mp3 songs into some obscene jumble of words. This totally sucked. I deleted all my songs, so now i'm busy ripping them from Myspace again. So myspace users, please bear with the short lag.

That;s why i'm not on msn too.