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Monday, September 1, 2008

Today after school I went to get a haircut. The first thing the barber said was 'you tried to cut ur own hair huh.' Somehow to him the uneven-ness of my hair was VERY obvious. So anyway i'll start talking bout LA night i guess.

I agreed with ms tan about the 'Death' documentary being damn morbid and sad. I'd wish the interviewed me and how i felt about death though, then i could have recited Gandalf's reply to little pippin (the shorty) in Lord Of The Rings:Return Of The King. I don't know why such speeches don't get written down in books. Well, since crappy 'Quality of mercy ' speeches by Shakespeare gets impounded in Oxford books, I don't see why speeches of White haired people don't get 'booked down'. I guess thats another type of discrimination that's ever so present in our mordern society.

Saturday sucked. There was this bowling competition. We played 3 games. My first two sucked actually. I got 80 and 94. that sucked. my third was 155. Well, that was oh-kay. Somehow my 3 cores got me in a 10dollar bet which valerie lost. Lol.

Here's the synopsis of the bet:

The average of my first 2 scores were 87, derived from (80+94)/2. Can't argue with that. Then i told valerie (for she was the only one beside me and wondering why i was so sad.) Wait. Let me rephrase this.

In sooth I know not why i am so sad. ok, nvm.

So i told her about my pathertic first and 2nd match. and then i told her my 3rd score. Then she said but overall not bad wad. coz my average is (87+155)/2. AND I SAID IT WAS WRONG WHICH OBVIOUSLY IS. I told her that it should be (87+87+155)/3. She said that both weren't different. And she challenged me to a 10 dollar stake. Lol. So i worked it out on some NeboMembership application form which i took from the counter (that counter guy even was happy to see that i was going to register for the membership lol.), and valerie took out her graphic calculator. Lol, and i won and she gave me 10 dollars.

Why i was correct...

Take the example of the set of numbers :{1,2,3}

The total average is 2,obviously. The average of the first 2 numbers is 1.5
If you take (1.5+3)/2 you get some 2.25. Whereas if you take (1.5+1.5+3)/3, you'd still get 2. Coz if you do wha valerie did then the 'weightage' of the first 2 numbers would be decreased. Lol. Wonder if she failed maths in TA1.

Instead of boasting on my money-torial conquests, let me talk about sailing. Yesterday we went out to sea even though there was no wind. Well, there was wind when we were setting up to sea, but when we were coming back the wind 'Evanesced'.
*i like boasting my vocabulary*
So then i invented anew way of no-wind sailing. I went to the front of my boat, and laid there, my head facign forward, my legs wrapped around my mast. Then i started 'breathstroking' [think i spelled it wrongly], with only my hands. Moves quite fast actually, only tat certain areas of the sea were filled with molusks and crap and crap and occasional garbages and crap and crap and My bottle! Oh, didnt notice it drop into the sea. o.oI should tie it to my kicker strap next time.

Today sucked. After i went home Alexa sent me a song. Or at least it was a virus using her computer. When i opened th song it began renaming all my .mp3 songs into some obscene jumble of words. This totally sucked. I deleted all my songs, so now i'm busy ripping them from Myspace again. So myspace users, please bear with the short lag.

That;s why i'm not on msn too.

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