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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wednesday, 19/11.

Bussing Disaster pretty sums up wednesday. I had bowling as usual as any other wednesdays. I usually take bus 10 to a bus stop 1 stop away from Tamp SAFRA, and would then cross the bridge and change to a wide assort of about 6-8 busses that would take me to Safra. For some reason at that point of time I felt a real adrenaline rush in my arteries/veins/capillaries and i was set on boarding the bus that i saw was approaching and i sprinted down the overhead bridge. Well, it wasbus 27, which to me sounded like one of the buses that went to Safra. (but it did not) Going to Safra buses included 21,23,67. So somehow 27 seemed like an infusion of 21/23 and 67. Plus, 4/5 of the buses at that stop went to SAFRA. Additionally, the bus 10 that i took, the previous stop was just like 200 metres away, over a highway cross some expresway, so i didn't lose that much if i was wrong.

What i didn't know however, was that Bs 27 took a turn when it reached the overhead crossroad and it entered the expressway, I told the uncle that something was seriously screwed up and i needed to alight, but he told me to alight at the next stop, and i agreed, Not knowing that the next stop was at Changi airport. Bus 27 passed thru all 3 terminals with many several security checks and everytime the securityguards kept thinking my bowling ball bag contained a bomb. I didnt alight that bus though. I realised that it was one of those circle routes, and later i alighted st the exact bus stop i had boarded it 30 minutes earlier.

Wasted lots of time.
Tuesday, 18/11.

I went to make my IC, because there wasn't much time left for me to make it and there was something on the letter saying that I could be brought to court if I don't make my IC. (O.o)
Anyway, i took bus 13 from my house to that tall building thingy. Somewhere on a turning junction, the bus stopped at a redlight, and on the perpendicular sright side of the turn in the opposite direction was another bus 13, and i noticed the driver waving to (I assume, the bus driver of the bus i was in);unless he was waving to the bus, which is stupid. Then, that bus turned and another bus 55 was at that exact point, but i didn't notice any exchange of smiles or waves. Then that 55 bus left and ANOTHER 13 came. this time that 13 couldn't really turn, and that 13 driver guy was like sign-languaging to my bus driver. He was like (translated from handsignals to english): Hey, how'd have you been? Long journey huh? I'm pretty tired, i'm even sweating. No wait, i'm perspiring, because humans perspire and dogs and pigs sweat."
Anyway, somehow drivers driving a bus with a same numberplate seem to form a natural bond, which is kinda stupid.

When i got to the ICA building, it was pretty empty, since it was a tuesday morning and people were probably jacking off or sleeping. i went to the photobooth which i must sayis the most efficient photobooth. you have 3 photobooths, and 1 person each tending to a computer screen with your face on adobephotoshop. after that i was supposed to get a queue ticket from a machine but instead i went to the help kiosk because i needed help i guess. But then my primary 1-4 friend Chuan Yee appeared with his family (his birthday is on 12nov, mine's 13) and his mom told me to go to the machines.

The whole thing went really smoothly, but one thing that i really liked was the fingerprinting thingy. There was a digital figngerprinting machine and a ink one. I thought the idea of someone taking total control of your thumb and moving it here and there was pretty amusing. They must be trained or something.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Watch High Pitched Fred.

Stumbled on this claiming-to-be-7-yrs-old boy who owns a youtube channel.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Welcome to Cbox! To post a message, click in the boxes below and type!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Heard this Awesome song on the radio recently, and I only just found out that many feale artists came together to sing this song for a common cause - cancer. The cause is not to get cancer, but to fight it rather. Before loading the video, i noticed several comments on how Miley Cyrus screwed up the song, since I don't recall hearing her voice.


Watch it and be prepared to feel a Miley-disgust.

In the recorded version, you can't hear Miley's horrible voice thoroughly because they used audio editting software.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Was just going to turn off my Tablet when I saw Jiaxin's PM.

Quoting,: " ;Omgawd! I just resetted my iPod and my music is gone! D: Screw APPLE. "
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1stly, I've never seen Oh My God spelled like that.
2ndly, what did she think a reset button was for? Well, when you reset something, obviously you can expect all the data that you added to a device to be destroyed, or to be incarcerated to oblivion. Well, it's not like she pressed a 'button that will not delete all the information that is supposed to be deleted when one presses a reset button'.

If she could 'screw Apple' for that, then I could say that she could screw anyone for that purpose, like ****.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My holidays have been pretty stupid. The only meaningful thing I'm doing is my holiday homework. Anyway, check out this video below. I'd rather have Jenny Humphrey crash my party than the Joker.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CSI Miami - Season 7, Episode 1.

I've had a rough plan on what i'll be doing during the Holidays, and 1 of them is watching CSI:Miami. I managed to find this new season somewhere which I will not disclose, and I have to say, this is probably the best episode ever. This whole new Season seems much more attention grabbing.

Usually, in all CSI Miami episodes, you would be seeing the CSI detectives at a crime scene looking at some dead person or something, or sometimes they show the person dying before that, then you'll see Horatio saying something smart, like quoting from one old episode, one officer was saying "who did this", and Horatio suddenly apppeared and said "Not who. What." Then they'd start playing 'Won't get fooled again'.

Well, this episodes starts off with Horatio standing next to a plane, and the bg music is surprisingly solemn, and the next thing, he takes 2 bullet shots to his chest. Surprising? Well, read on, or on second thought, press CTRL-r. (refreshing the page) So i'd get more views on my blog. Anyways, moving on.

Ducaine(Blondie) and Eric (SouthAmerican good looking guy) arrive at the scene, and see Mr Wolfe (the white and good looking guy) and he tells them that Horatio's dead and then The blond goes into a fit of tears and then eric asks him where the body is but wolfe said that the department took it away.

This is getting really tiring for me so anyway, Apprently someone before was trying to kill Horatio, so he staged his own death (yes, he didnt die) and he went undercover to try to get the stash of mixed-alloy bullets. (A new type of bullets which can pierce metal and pierce bulletproof glass (ironic huh?). There were a lot of raids in this episodes where gangs ambushed bank trucks and stole the cash.

Anyway, try to watch it. hint: go to

America's screwed for the next 4 years!

Yeah well, I guess Obama won. Before the whole election thing, he already had 75% of support, because of his craftiness and plotting. (He gave Americans the idea that McCain would continue what Bush was doing, even though McCain's proposed ideas were totally different)

I guess it was pretty cool that McCain managed to catch up that much though. Yeah, so i guess. Like the humanities question, It's not that McCain lost. It's just Obama's crafty nature. ZOMG, did you guys see a video of Obama before he got elected to become the next POTUS? He was saying something like,"vote for me. Screw McCain, he's fighting for HIS country."

and McCain was somewhere else going like,"good luck to Obama, may the best person win. Both of us will fight our hardest for OUR country."

Another example of Obama's screwed-upness. Which brings me to say that I'm never going to the town of Obama in Japan. Who the hell supports someone who has the same name as your town? Apparently the citizens of Obama does. Oh, and yesterday on channel 5, countless denizens of SMU students and other Singaporeans were interviewed about what they thought of Obama's victory, and all of them were saying soMething aong the lines of...,"Change has come to America!"/"I hope now with Obama, there will be more business interactions between Singapore and America"

Firstly, to the "Change has come to America".

Obama probabaly has no idea what he is going to change, because some of what Bush did is actually good. Like keeping an eye on Iran (who is currently developing countless nuclear facilities and warheads, and there has been ample evidence). And Obama is planning to pull back all troops from Iran. He sure is gonna start a 3rd World war.

Secondly, to the ,"more interaction between Singapore and America"

These people obviously haven't done their reading have they? Obama plans to cut down on overseas trading/international business and plans to go for more regional/national businesses. If these Singaporeans had actually picked up a TIME magazine or read YAHOO! or something, they'd be disappointed that McCain lost.

Oh, and as i'm typing, I'm noticing that every 'Obama' has a squiggly red line under it, whereas McCain doesn't. Probably shows how the internet dictionary of words excludes Obama in more ways than one.
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Well, if you had added my msn account, I was talking about how Obama is gonna paint the white house black. Well, I'm technically correct since the previous presidents have all been whites. Seeing how big the white house is, he's defintely gonna need a lot of help. He should probably get all his 100+ relatives in Kenya and his Aunt who's an illegal immigrant and staying in a house he paid for to help him. Oh, and get those small little kids in Indonesia who studied in a school that Obama once studied in(and who want to be future American presidents). PS:YOUCAN'T BECOME AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT IF YOU'RE AN INDONESIAN.

Oh, and notice how my blog skin is black? I did it just for Obama so he'd buy me a house in America.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tomorrow will be the big day when we find out whether God Bless America is going to be screwed for the next 4 years. Let's hope McCain makes a huge comeback so that doesn't happen. Well, I posted on my PM that i don't really like Obama or something to that extent, and to my surprise, Keith TAN Jia Jun said 'No Way Obama Rocks'.

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You might be wondering why I called him Keith 'Tan' and not Keith 'Tong'.

Because according to his display name, '1C looks TAN'. So I'm assuming that everyone in 1c has Tan for a surname.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I have to post another post (example of my bad grasp of the language,repeating words), because i went to imeem and i stumbled upon this 'Presidential showdown'. They featured Obama's featured playlist and McCain's, but i refrained from playing them because McCain's was full of oldies. Full of Abba and other singers/bands long forgotten (like Lincoln Hawk). Anyway, the song i'm playing now, well as it's artists state, nvm. Anyway you should be able to make out Obama's non-rhythmic/soothing voice. AND the female voice you hear so isn't his wife.
Would you rather have a Black or a white for a president? I mean that in more than one way. Obama has black skin and black hair, and McCain was white skin and white hair?

That was rather short, so i'm adding a little more to make this post a little longer, bcause i read (past tense) Felicia's blog and her posts are like the equivalent of half of all my posts displayed right now.

Anyway now that it's the school Holidays, where will you all be going? I'm going to the Hamptons. Cause that's what people in the upper east side do? Well, living along east coast qualifies me i guess.

These days I feel my creative juices diminishing, probably because i adhere to a strict 'Sleep by 1030' rule. I guess when you don't sleep early and when your eyes are shutting, your brain releases juices, and if you are lucky, they're creative! That's my theory. Lorenzo's Theory. Soon to be along the lines and written in books along with Einstein's and Albert's. (They're the same.)

I've decided to change my blog skin, because everyone else seems to be doing that frequently. Maybe they do that because they think mine is nice and they want to make it more like mine. But anyway, change is good. When you go to a cashier, KEEP THE CHANGE. Change will carry you throughout this financial crisis.(But Obama won't). There are big changes, and small changes. Big changes are those that you get when you pay 100 bucks for a plate of fried rice, and small change are those that you get when you don't change too much?