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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CSI Miami - Season 7, Episode 1.

I've had a rough plan on what i'll be doing during the Holidays, and 1 of them is watching CSI:Miami. I managed to find this new season somewhere which I will not disclose, and I have to say, this is probably the best episode ever. This whole new Season seems much more attention grabbing.

Usually, in all CSI Miami episodes, you would be seeing the CSI detectives at a crime scene looking at some dead person or something, or sometimes they show the person dying before that, then you'll see Horatio saying something smart, like quoting from one old episode, one officer was saying "who did this", and Horatio suddenly apppeared and said "Not who. What." Then they'd start playing 'Won't get fooled again'.

Well, this episodes starts off with Horatio standing next to a plane, and the bg music is surprisingly solemn, and the next thing, he takes 2 bullet shots to his chest. Surprising? Well, read on, or on second thought, press CTRL-r. (refreshing the page) So i'd get more views on my blog. Anyways, moving on.

Ducaine(Blondie) and Eric (SouthAmerican good looking guy) arrive at the scene, and see Mr Wolfe (the white and good looking guy) and he tells them that Horatio's dead and then The blond goes into a fit of tears and then eric asks him where the body is but wolfe said that the department took it away.

This is getting really tiring for me so anyway, Apprently someone before was trying to kill Horatio, so he staged his own death (yes, he didnt die) and he went undercover to try to get the stash of mixed-alloy bullets. (A new type of bullets which can pierce metal and pierce bulletproof glass (ironic huh?). There were a lot of raids in this episodes where gangs ambushed bank trucks and stole the cash.

Anyway, try to watch it. hint: go to

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