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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

America's screwed for the next 4 years!

Yeah well, I guess Obama won. Before the whole election thing, he already had 75% of support, because of his craftiness and plotting. (He gave Americans the idea that McCain would continue what Bush was doing, even though McCain's proposed ideas were totally different)

I guess it was pretty cool that McCain managed to catch up that much though. Yeah, so i guess. Like the humanities question, It's not that McCain lost. It's just Obama's crafty nature. ZOMG, did you guys see a video of Obama before he got elected to become the next POTUS? He was saying something like,"vote for me. Screw McCain, he's fighting for HIS country."

and McCain was somewhere else going like,"good luck to Obama, may the best person win. Both of us will fight our hardest for OUR country."

Another example of Obama's screwed-upness. Which brings me to say that I'm never going to the town of Obama in Japan. Who the hell supports someone who has the same name as your town? Apparently the citizens of Obama does. Oh, and yesterday on channel 5, countless denizens of SMU students and other Singaporeans were interviewed about what they thought of Obama's victory, and all of them were saying soMething aong the lines of...,"Change has come to America!"/"I hope now with Obama, there will be more business interactions between Singapore and America"

Firstly, to the "Change has come to America".

Obama probabaly has no idea what he is going to change, because some of what Bush did is actually good. Like keeping an eye on Iran (who is currently developing countless nuclear facilities and warheads, and there has been ample evidence). And Obama is planning to pull back all troops from Iran. He sure is gonna start a 3rd World war.

Secondly, to the ,"more interaction between Singapore and America"

These people obviously haven't done their reading have they? Obama plans to cut down on overseas trading/international business and plans to go for more regional/national businesses. If these Singaporeans had actually picked up a TIME magazine or read YAHOO! or something, they'd be disappointed that McCain lost.

Oh, and as i'm typing, I'm noticing that every 'Obama' has a squiggly red line under it, whereas McCain doesn't. Probably shows how the internet dictionary of words excludes Obama in more ways than one.
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Well, if you had added my msn account, I was talking about how Obama is gonna paint the white house black. Well, I'm technically correct since the previous presidents have all been whites. Seeing how big the white house is, he's defintely gonna need a lot of help. He should probably get all his 100+ relatives in Kenya and his Aunt who's an illegal immigrant and staying in a house he paid for to help him. Oh, and get those small little kids in Indonesia who studied in a school that Obama once studied in(and who want to be future American presidents). PS:YOUCAN'T BECOME AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT IF YOU'RE AN INDONESIAN.

Oh, and notice how my blog skin is black? I did it just for Obama so he'd buy me a house in America.

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